by 10:30:00 AM 0 comments
So, these are some of the basics for maintaining styles and taking care of curly hair, I might post more tips and tricks later to expand on this idea, but for now here you are loves:


One of the challenges of curly hair is making sure that it is not too dry. We don't really have to stress on whether its too oily or sting, which makes washing a little interesting. The key is co-washing as often as regular washing! Experiment with conditioners and utilize shampoos that don't just strip the oil off your hair but have protein that build it up as it cleans. This will help strengthen your hair!


So, I wrote a little on moisturizing in a previous blog here, but I'll expand a tad more on moisturizing just to be thorough. Like I mentioned before, all oils are not created equal and sometimes you need to  moisturize more than once a day. I'm going to do a blog post on products that will help with this because there are so many out there that are fantastic. But as many awesome products as there are, there are also some duds!


Wrap your hair in a soft t-shirt! It helps, I promise. When I heard this tip I was a little skeptical but upon further research I realized that YES, it helps drying your hair with a softer fabric because it is easier on your edges and roots. Being gentle on your hair at all stages will help it grow. Limiting blow-drying is also another thing that will keep your hair stay strong and healthy. Because even though hair might be easier to manage when it is blow dried, it weakens your hair and almost always gives you split ends. It's a disservice to your hair and effort you put in.

I hope these basic tips help! Feel free to comment so we can help each other out,

Peace and Love, Ladies
Tendai, your local civil servant



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