Tis' The Season!

by 10:16:00 AM 0 comments
SO, spring is coming and I can't even begin to describe my joy over all the outside restaurants, bars, and park-goers coming out of hiding. Who knew there were so many attractive people in New York City?! Haha, they must have been hiding under all that fur and fleece and shivering under blankets behind closed doors. But spring is here, summer is so close we can taste it, and that means its the season for our curls. Yes, It's time to come out and play!

For the Naturals or those who wanna' be

For my Naturals out there, or people who are thinking about skipping on over to that side, check out my post about going natural for some tips no matter what season it is! We all could use a little help here and there, no matter if you're a professional or simply just looking for a new look.

For those who want to maintain while they rave
If you're like me, you like to party and would appreciate knowing how to keep your hair looking nice while you do it- maybe even looking nice for a week. Here are so tips for YOU.

And finally,

For those who just wanna chill

I hope these help for the season!

Peace and Love, Ladies
Tendai, your local civil servant



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