by 2:50:00 PM 1 comments
As you can see on my blog, I've recently become abnormally obsessed with color. It's not even healthy ladies. I want to dye my hair so BAD!! But I know I'm not the only one out there. Women with curly black hair ( more specifically in the 3C- 4C category) have been fascinated with color for years- especially since pastels became so popular-but, they might have bought into the myth that we can't dye our hair because of ...the economy? All those beautiful rainbow curls might cause global warming or something? Well the point is there should be nothing stopping us, and if we do it right we could kill the show.
Below, I've compiled a list of some of the most stunning uses of color I have ever seen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and, maybe, it might inspire you to do a little something for the summer- despite what the economy is telling you. 
Enjoy loves!

Haven't you heard? Gray and silver is the new black.

TRIPLE OMBRE?! Her hair is black at the top, gray, and THEN purple. 

I hope you enjoyed my little collage of hair color and my gif of Storm (because she's queen). Sometimes I post random things but I hope you LIKE them! Also, If you are interested in dying your hair this summer and you want to read a cool article about pastel hair colors, here's a link. I hope this post was useful for you, or at least entertaining ( because it was fun to put together, ha!)

Peace and Love, Ladies
Tendai, your local civil servant



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