by 11:11:00 AM 0 comments

So, I'm currently a student in New York City who has encountered a small problem. As a black girl going to college you either need to know how to do your hair yourself or just get a weave and stick it out for the remaining four years. And does that even sound right? I mean, I live in New York City and I should definitelbe able to find somewhere to get my hair done that won't break the bank but will still keep me looking nice. There should be styles I can do myself as a college student with no one around to help me. 

We've all been kids and had it beaten into us that "nappy heads" are a no go. But in the midst of all the product reviews and the unsuccessful Yelp searches I've realized one thing- we all need help or a little inspiration. Whether we're permed straight, natural, or wearing extensions a little help in the hair department could go a long way. And this is why I created this blog. I saw a need and went for it, and it's based on the experience of girls with curly heads all around the city and where THEY go to get their hair done. Because some salons are a joke, let's be real, and your hair should be your biggest asset not your biggest curse. I want to remind you that IT'S NOT A STRUGGLE. Let's help each other out:)

Peace and Love Ladies:)
Tendai, Your civil servant



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